The Mission of No Return
Mission of No Return
Frank Cereo
Copyright -2011
All rights reserved – Frank Cereo
No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, graphic, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, or by any information storage retrieval system without the permission, in writing from the publisher.
All characters in this book are fictitious, and any resemblance to real persons living or dead, is coincidental.
I would like to dedicate this book to my two sons that are serving in the United States Army. Francis A Cereo II and Christopher M Cereo, I am so proud to be your father and I love you both with all my heart.
Chapter 1 - The Mission
Chapter 2 – Orbiting Jupiter
Chapter 3 –Jupiter Landing
Chapter 4 – Jupiter’s Surface
Chapter 5 - Complications
Chapter 6 - Home
Chapter 7 – Landing on Earth
Chapter 8 – Camp Fire
Chapter 9 – The Next Morning
Chapter 10 – Hunting and Scavenging for Food
Chapter 11 – The Savage Storm
Chapter 12 – Following the Storm
Chapter 13 – The Encounter
Chapter 14 – The Earthquake
Chapter 15 – The Cavern
Chapter 16 – Strange Happenings
Chapter 17 – The Missing Gun
Chapter 18 – The Intruder
Chapter 19 – Another Obstacle
Chapter 20 – Preparation
Chapter 21 – The Day Before
Chapter 22 – And Then There Were Three
Chapter 23 – The Journey Home
Chapter 24 - 2210
Chapter 25 – What’s Next?
Chapter 26 – The Plan
Chapter 27 – Two Weeks in Alaska
Chapter 28 – The Rescue
Chapter 29 – The Overhaul
Chapter 30 – Escape
Chapter 31- Rendezvous
Chapter 1 - The Mission
The date is October 17, 2263. The mission is the exploration of Jupiter. Technology has moved and grown a long way and Earth is becoming more uninhabitable due to high pollution and the lack of natural resources. The five day mission is to test drive new engines and to explore for signs of life on Jupiter.
Man has come a long way as NASA has discovered a new way to travel through space with the hydrowarp drive engine that cruises at half the speed of light. The engine uses water that is solar heated and passes through a conductor that creates a nuclear fusion that propels the ship. The crew will consist of seven professional scientists, doctors, and two highly trained astronauts.
The distance to Jupiter is three hundred and seventy million miles. Jupiter is a gas giant that is believed to be made up of eighty-six percent hydrogen and thirteen percent Helium. The other one percent is miscellaneous elements. The mission departure will occur when Jupiter is nearest to Earth because with the new engines cruising at half the speed of light which is three hundred and thirty-five million miles per hour. The usual six month journey will be reduced to just a little over an hour. The new hydrowarp engine is the technological breakthrough of the decade. This will enhance the ability to reach far away galaxies, way beyond the capabilities of man. Now man will be able to search beyond the stars for new life and civilizations.
The United States of North America which now consists of Canada and Mexico as both countries joined the United States during World War III. The war was fought in the Middle East and lasted over seven years and both countries’ economies collapsed due to the lack of oil. The war took place during the years 2098 through 2105 and had two hundred and twenty million casualties that left the world in despair. The mission to Jupiter would be the first opportunity for space exploration since they tried to colonize Mars in the year 2121. The Mars mission ended in a horrible awry of death and destruction that killed the entire landing party due to politics and the lack of intelligence from an insane scientist. This mistake was one of the worst disasters of the 22nd century and hoped that it would never be duplicated again.
“Today will be the steppingstone of mankind. We will be reaching beyond the stars ever touched by human beings. Today will go down in history as the day we reached out and touched the gods.” President Raphael Mendoza said during his state of the nation address.
As history was in the making, the entire crew of the star cruiser Evolution was on edge as it detached from Earth’s space station Orion. The large ship consisted of a long flat portion that was about fifty yards long which contained the bridge and living quarters for the crew. Off the long portion about midway through the hull were four long cylinder shaped objects that were approximately one hundred yards long that housed the hydrowarp engines. The hydrowarp engines were attached to main hull of the ship as they came off at a forty-five degree angle then went straight back. The front of the ship was rounded with windows that surrounded the bridge that allowed visuals at one hundred and eighty degrees in the front of the ship. The ship’s length in all was about one hundred and seventy-five yards long and weighed two hundred and fifty tons on Earth. It took eleven years to build the Evolution in space as it remained docked to the space station.
At approximately seventeen hundred hours Earth time, the Evolution used her thrusters to move from the space dock to get into position for launch. The hydrowarp engines needed the direct light from the sun to conduct the fusion for retro fire. The entire move from the space dock to get into position would take about twenty minutes.
“Take her out Commander Rescott,” Captain Laird says.
“Aye, Captain. Evolution to Orion, please release Evolution for her maiden voyage. Over.” Commander Rescott says over the radio.
“Evolution, you have been disengaged. Have a safe flight and see you back here in five days. Over.” Captain Bridges of the Orion responds as the large metal clasps unhook the Evolution with a thunderous noise.
“Thank you Orion and see you on the return. Over and out.” Commander Rescott replies.
As the ship slowly departs from space dock, the anticipation is felt throughout the spacecraft. The crew feels nervous and scared but excited as well. They were making history just like Neil Armstrong was the first man on the moon and Harold Lemer was the first man on Mars. They were going to be the first to Jupiter. It was quiet onboard as the crew followed pre flight instructions and checklist from Houston Control.
“That’s a roger Houston, all system are go for launch.” Captain Laird replies.
“We are at T-minus five minutes to launch.” A voice from Houston Control announces.
“Roger that Houston. We are at T-minus five minutes.” Captain Laird replies.
Captain Gerald Laird sits back as he attaches and closes his helmet to his space suit. He is anxious and nervous. He has been on many space flights but this is the first flight that will test these new engines. He knows that the engines have been tested in a lab environment but this is for real. There are many things that can go wrong and he hopes today is not that day. Gerald has a lot to live for. He is married with three children and another one on the way. Gerald, a forty-one year old man, has been with NASA for seven years and before that was a space test pilot that tested new spacecrafts in outer space. His whole life had revolved around flying because his father and grandfather were both pilots and that’s all the family lived for. Gerald stands six feet three inches tall with a large build. He weighs about two hundred and sixty pounds and most of it is muscle. He has light brown hair with gray highlights around the sideburns. His dark brown eyes are complemen
ted with his heavy eyebrows. His nose is long but narrow as it ends where his bushy mustache starts. He has a narrow mouth with grayish teeth with the left front tooth turned inward. Gerald has a very thick beard that requires him to shave on a daily basis. Even when he shaves daily he has a five o’clock shadow at noon. He has a straight forward personality that keeps a real person relationship with all his peers. He is the type of person you would like to have in a pinch because he has good reactions and demonstrates precise decision making.
“We are at T-minus four minutes and thirty seconds.” A voice from Houston Control announces breaking the silence of the crew.
“Roger that Houston. T-minus four minutes and thirty seconds,” Captain Laird replies as he looks over at Commander Albert Rescott.
Commander Albert Rescott is a five year NASA veteran that was chosen for this mission because of his ability to fly any machine with precision. Albert is single and at the age of thirty-nine has no intention of getting involved with anyone that can hamper his career. He stands five feet eleven inches tall with a medium build as he weighs around one hundred and ninety-five pounds. He has a blonde brush cut with big blue eyes. He has a small nose with a strong jaw with a perfect smile and perfect teeth. He has a cleft on his chin that is as bold as Kirk Douglas’, the actor from the twentieth century. With his hair so short his ears look bigger as they bug out of the side of his head. Albert’s personality is summed up on the side of a dare devil that likes things that are death defying because he likes a good challenge.
“We are at T-minus four minutes.” Houston Control announces over the radio.
“Roger that Houston. T-minus four minutes.” Captain Laird replies as he turns to make sure all the scientists are belted into their seats.
The science crew consists of one nuclear physicist, one geologist, one biologist, one chemist, one botanist, one paleontologist, and a physician. They all have their instructions and missions that will be their sole responsible when they land on Jupiter.
The nuclear physicist is responsible for the operation the ships engines. He needs to monitor their performance along with making repairs and adjustments as needed.
James Edwards is a nuclear physicist and a professor at the University of Montana. He has written five books on nuclear power and fusion and its importance for the human race to thrive into the centuries to come. On a personal side, James is a bookworm that likes to learn. He likes to challenge his associates in the classroom and in the lab on anything and everything that will help solve a problem or lead to an earth shattering discovery. James is a small man that stands five feet four inches. He has a small build and weighs about one hundred and thirty-five pounds. James is forty-seven years old but looks older than his age because of the amount of wrinkles on his face. He has salt and pepper short hair that is parted on the side. He has severe psoriasis of the scalp that he has done nothing to treat so every time he scratches his head clumps of dry scalp crumble to his shoulder. He has hazel eyes that are covered by his thick goggle like glasses. His nose is crooked from rubbing constantly from his allergies. His mouth is small and his teeth are unkept as you can see they are rotting in his mouth.
The geologist’s mission is to research the frozen surface on Jupiter. She needs to research and investigate what physical elements the planet is made of and most of all to see if Jupiter’s atmosphere can be changes and adjusted to sustain life for the human race. She will also monitor and research for any kind of geothermal activity.
Stephanie Ferro is a Geologist that has many years in the field. She, just like James, is a professor but she is from the University of Michigan. Her mission will be to take samples and recreate what has happened on Jupiter’s frozen surface. Stephanie is thirty-three years old and stands five foot three inches tall and weighs about one hundred and ten pounds. She is a very petite girl with shoulder length blonde hair with blue eyes. She has average size breasts with a very shapely figure. Stephanie has a beautiful face with high cheek bones that complements her blue eyes and small button nose. She has a small mouth with perfect teeth. She is a very personable girl that likes to mingle at the dance scene. She is not married but has a steady boy friend that has just made her his fiancé.
“We are at T-minus three minutes and thirty seconds.” A voice from Houston Control announces over the radio.
“Roger that Houston. T-minus three minutes and thirty seconds” Captain Laird replies.
As for the biologist, he is a microbiologist and his sole responsibility is research any micro organism that may live on this frozen tundra.
The microbiologist is Josef Rankoff, a Soviet scientist that was educated in the United States. He liked being in the states so much that he decided to stay after he graduated from the University of Minnesota. He is a doctor of microbiology and works as the director at the CDC researching the cure for sexually transmitted diseases. Josef speaks broken but understandable English. He is a workaholic when it comes to his job. He is so good at what he does that he found a cure for AIDS, a disease that ran rampid during the twentieth, twenty-first, and twenty-second centuries. He is a tall man with a medium build. He has sandy brown hair that is above his ears with a long nose. He is forty-five years old and married with no children. His responsibility will be to investigate all micro organisms and make sure they are harmless to the human body.
The ship’s doctor is Amanda Creighton, an American professor at ULCA School of Medicine. She is fifty-three years old but still looks good for her age. Amanda is five feet three inches tall weights about one hundred and twenty-five pounds. She wears just enough makeup to bring out her stunning features. Amanda has dark brown shoulder length hair that she dyes to hide the gray. Her eyes are the same color as her hair so it complements her features. Amanda’s nose is long and thin but fits well inside her rounded face. Her lips are full and her teeth are white and perfect. Not as firm as she was as a young woman, her breasts are large and well shaped. Her role is to research new life forms and take samples. She is also to assist with Josef as needed.
“We are at T-minus three minutes.” A voice from Houston Control announces.
“Roger that Houston. T-minus three minutes.” Captain Laird replies.
The chemist is the world renowned and Nobel Prize winner Michael Habib. An Indian American that is well known for his discovery of the Element Triglyceride Alum. A new type of metal that is durable for space travel. The thirty-seven year old chemist is a whiz at chemical equations. He is a loner who keeps to himself and likes to read anything that has to do with science. He is single with no attachment which makes him perfect for the mission. He is five feet six inches tall with a small build that has him weighing about one hundred and fifty pounds. He has dark brown hair that is parted on the left side of his head and his eyes match the color of his hair. He has a beard that is patchy in spots. He also speaks broken English that is very hard to understand. His role will be to research the element that makes up the atmosphere of Jupiter and to research that one percent that scientist are unsure of.
“We are at T-minus two minutes and thirty seconds.” A voice from Houston Control announces over the radio.
“Roger that Houston. T-minus two minutes and thirty seconds.” Captain Laird replies.
The botanist on board is Jennifer Renfro, an Afro-American botanist from the University of Washington. She carries a PhD in Botany and has been a conservationist that has fought to keep the forests from being exterminated from disease. This mission will give her a chance to research new plant life if it is applicable. Jennifer is five feet seven inches tall and quite husky as she weighs around one hundred and seventy-five pounds. She is very well endowed in the breast category as she is 48 triple E. The thirty-one year old also has a big round butt. Jennifer is married, has two children and a loving husband that played professional soccer. Soccer was the only professional sport that survived into the twenty-third century.
“We are at T-minus two minutes.” A voice from Houston Control announces.
“Roger that Houston. T-minus two minutes.” Captain Laird replies.
The final member of the crew is the paleontologist, Huey Stevens. His purpose is to study life that might have existed on Jupiter by researching any bones and remains found if any are discovered. He carries a PhD in Paleontology from the University of Texas. He teaches numerous classes at the University of Buffalo, but he lives to go on archeological digs. He is well known around the world for the recent discovery of the largest predator that ever roamed the planet Earth known as a Fearosaurus. This giant predator dwarfed the super predators Tyrannosaurus Rex and Spinosaurus Aegyptiacus. It was found frozen in the ice of Antarctica during one of his archeological digs in the ice in the year 2259. He is a pioneer in his profession. His investigations go above and beyond the normal expectations to understand what he has found. As for his physical features, Huey stands six feet one inch with a medium build as he weighs about one hundred sixty pounds. He has sandy blonde hair with dark brown eyes with prominent cheek bones with a large long nose. He also sports a full beard that is cut close to the face and its more reddish than brown.
“We are at T-minus one minute thirty seconds.” A voice from Houston Control announces.
“Roger that Houston. T-minus one minute and thirty seconds.” Captain Laird replies.
Seconds seemed like hours as the crew waited for engine burn and departure.
“Evolution you are at T-minus one minute away from engine burn.” A voice from Houston Control announces.
“Copy that Houston. We are at one minute from engine ignition and all systems are go on our end.” Captain Laird replies.
“Copy that Evolution, all systems are go.” A voice from Houston Control announces.
“Copy that Houston” Captain Laird replies. “Commander Rescott we are set for ignition.”
As Commander Rescott flips the toggle switch down for engine ignition, you could hear the outer panel covering the hydrowarp engine open. As the sunshine poured through, the solar energy began to turn the turbine that propelled the hydrowarp engine as you could hear the power building for takeoff.